Book Title: A - E
200-word review of Again Again by E. Lockhart
Synopsis from Goodreads: If you could live your life again, what would you do differently? After a near-fatal family catastrophe and an unexpected romantic upheaval, Adelaide Buchwald finds herself catapulted into a summer…
200-word review of The Apartment by K.L. Slater
Synopsis from Goodreads: It’s an opportunity she can’t refuse. The woman before her tried… Freya Miller needs a miracle. In the fallout of her husband’s betrayal, she’s about to lose her family home,…
- ARC - Advanced Reader's Copy, Author's Last Name: M - Q, Book Reviews, Book Title: A - E, Nonfiction
200-word review of Do You Know Your Mom’s Story?: 365 Questions You Need to Ask Her by Glenna Mageau
My rating: 4 out of 5 starsGoodreads rating: 4.45 with 11 ratings (as of 2/10/2019) What do you really know about your Mom? Do you know what her hopes, dreams and desires were?…