ARC - Advanced Reader's Copy,  Author's Last Name: F - L,  Book Reviews,  Fantasy,  Horror

200-word review of We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix

My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Goodreads rating: 3.98 with 2,104 ratings (as of 1/30/2019)

Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Horror (2018)

In the 1990s, heavy metal band Dürt Würk was poised for breakout success — but then lead singer Terry Hunt embarked on a solo career and rocketed to stardom as Koffin, leaving his fellow bandmates to rot in rural Pennsylvania.

Two decades later, former guitarist Kris Pulaski works as the night manager of a Best Western – she’s tired, broke, and unhappy. Everything changes when she discovers a shocking secret from her heavy metal past: Turns out that Terry’s meteoric rise to success may have come at the price of Kris’s very soul. …more

200 Word Review

Horrorstör was my 4th favorite book I read in 2015. Considering only “Ready Player One”, “13 Reasons Why”, and “Autopsy Room Four”, a little-known work by Stephen King were the only ones to beat it that is quite impressive.

I was so excited when I learned “We Sold Our Souls” by Grady Hendrix was being published. After reading it, I am just as excited to write how much I enjoyed it. First let me say, I am and always will be, a metalhead.

We Sold Our Souls involves a broken up metal band who did not end on the best of terms.As you can imagine, their reuniting is not everyone sitting around and singing Kumbaya. Hendrix through flashbacks shows how the band broke up and why they need to fight together. I would have loved to hear Dürt Würk play. Mentioned throughout the story are well known heavy metal bands that I have to turn up anytime I hear them. Each chapter’s title is the name of a metal album.

The novel did not scary me but it was creepy and definitely worth reading. I will be keeping Grady Hendrix at the top of my “authors to read anything they publish” list.

Review published on, Smashbomb, Goodreads, Twitter, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble on 1/31/19.

Genre: Horror, Fantasy
Print Length: 337 pages
Publisher: Quirk Books
Publication Date: September 18, 2018

Purchase at Amazon    Barnes and Noble

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Born and raised in Philadelphia. Enjoys reading, movies, theater, and traveling.